Columba Catholic College Newsletter Volume 24 No. 17 11th November 2021
A Message from the Principal
Congratulations to our College Senior Student Leaders for 2022
Mt. Carmel Campus Awards Night
From the Deputy Principal - Pastoral/Residential
Mt. Carmel Campus - Notable Mentions
St. Mary's Campus Awards
Year Five News
Year Three News
Primary Inter House Swimming Carnival
Youth Group
Residential News
Meet our Residential Staff
QLD Reds Visit Charters Towers
A Message from the Principal
Dear Columba Families,
There is not a day that goes by when I am not blessed with an opportunity to witness the academic strength, commitment to service and leadership capacity of the students at Columba.
On Saturday, I attended the Passing-Out Parade for our Army Cadets. Congratulations to the following students for their commitment and service to the community: Ambrose Donnelly, Colby Whelan, Raymond Johnson, Michael Madders-Jackson, Mary-Grace Donnelly, Emmanuel Boref, Charlie Jones, Claire Scott and Ashlie O’Connor. Special thanks to their families, Commanding Officer Cheryl Cummings and the Army Cadet support team who assist our students as they continue to build their leadership strength.
Congratulations to the following students who were selected as members of the Queensland Merit Team for Athletics: Maria Wilson, Chantel Wilson, Blake Bryan and Boesha Moore-Reid. This is an outstanding achievement and testament to the students, their coaches and their families.
This week we announced the College Student Leadership Team for 2022. I have been extremely impressed with the attitude, focus and commitment of our Year 11 cohort and feel confident that they will continue to shine their light in our community. It is with great pleasure that I announce the following:
College Captains & Vice Captains
- School Captains: Tamika Truong & Liam Brown
- Vice Captains: Cassandra McIntosh & Stephanie Murray
Committee Prefects
- Mission and Liturgy Committee: Regan Burgoine
- Spirit and Engagement Committee: Emily Brind
- Social Justice Committee: Caitlin Cronin
- Academic and Learning Committee: Hayley Zadow
- Indigenous Culture Committee: Clairice MacNamara
House Captains
- Polding: Rani Boundy & Jake Richards
- Benjamin: Courtney Guild & Jasper Guy
- Rice: Maria Wilson & Meghan Stevenson
- McAuley: Tanika Hedges & Hayley Zadow
Residential Captains & Vice Captains
- Residential Captain: Constance Holden & Preston Ah Wing
- Residential Vice Captain: Hayley Zadow & Liam Young
Special thanks to Fiona Murray and members of the CSPA for hosting the Melbourne Cup Luncheon last week. It was great to see so many of our community members in attendance and we are grateful for the support and sponsorship of members of the committee and the wider community.
Our Year 5 students have also been preparing for their transition as leaders of the St Mary’s Campus. I had the pleasure of listening to the student speeches this week and they were very impressive! Voting is underway and I look forward to announcing this to you in the coming days.
Special thank you to all staff involved in supporting our Senior students as they continue to sit for their External Examinations. I give thanks to Maria Peck, Michael Peck and our senior staff as they accompany our students on this leg of their final journey here at the College.
Staffing Updates: I am pleased to announce the following Staff Appointments for 2022.
Murray Griffin has accepted the position of Acting Middle Leader - Mathematics. Murray is an experienced educator and leader and has had extensive experience teaching Mathematics. We wish Murray all the best and are grateful for his continuing contribution to our team.
Maryann Ebsworth has been appointed to the position of Middle Leader - Science. Maryann is an experienced teacher and leader and has taught in a number of educational settings. Maryann also has a depth of knowledge in Indigenous Education and will also be embracing the role of Indigenous Education Teacher in 2022. We congratulate Maryann and welcome her to Columba.
Thomas Anderson has been appointed as a P-12 Music Teacher at Columba. Thomas will teach a combination of Primary Music and Secondary Music and will assist with Choral groups and Instrumental Music. Thomas has a great teaching energy and our students will enjoy the diversity of music opportunities he can add to our wonderful team of music teachers here at Columba.
Elena Donohue has been appointed as a Secondary Science Teacher. Elena is a Graduate Teacher and is a Biology and Chemistry specialist. Elena has a depth of Science experience having worked in the industry prior to her journey in education. We look forward to working with Murray, Maryann, Clare, Thomas and Elena in 2022.
Last Friday, Aleesha Watson commenced Maternity Leave. Please keep Aleesha in your prayers as she and her family await the safe arrival of the newest member of the Watson family.
Last Saturday night I had the pleasure of being on the judging panel for the Boys' vs Girls' Boarding MKR Special Event and on Wednesday evening I attended the Boarders' Christmas Party. Special thanks to Llana Fuller, Michelle Burns and all of the Boarding staff for providing our students with these life-giving experiences.
Next Tuesday we will host our Annual Awards Night for Years 7-12 at 6.30pm at The World Theatre. This is an important time for our community to come together to celebrate the success of our students in the sporting, academic, cultural, leadership and community domains of our College. Our Primary Awards will be hosted on 1.30pm Friday 26 November 2021 at 1.30pm. I warmly invite you to attend and look forward to sharing the successes of our students with you.
This week both St Mary’s Campus and Mt Carmel Campus took time to reflect and consider the significance of Remembrance Day. Today, as we mark this date in our calendar, let us be reminded of the courage and sacrifice of those who served their country and acknowledge our responsibility to work for the peace they fought hard to achieve. May we walk together humbly in peace and in service to contribute to a safe, supportive school, national and world community.
All the best for the fortnight ahead.
Many blessings,
Melissa Turner
Congratulations to our College Senior Student Leaders for 2022
Mt. Carmel Campus Awards Night
The Mt. Carmel Campus Awards Night will be held on Tuesday 16th November at 6.30pm. As this is a Covid Safe event, parents/guest/caregivers attending the Awards evening are required to book and reserve a free ticket to the Awards Evening using the following link:
From the Deputy Principal - Pastoral/Residential
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Students, Staff and friends of the College,
As the academic year draws to a close it is important that our students remain focused on their studies. I encourage parents and caregivers to ensure that the appropriate support mechanisms are in place in order for their children to obtain the academic results that they are so capable of achieving. As the saying goes, “one can not plough a field by simply doing it in their mind”. The moral of the story is that effort is required to succeed and research suggests that there is a positive correlation between these two variables.
Over the next couple of weeks, the College Seniors are going to be very busy. They will be completing their final assessment agendas, and or working to the Alternative program (including Tenancy Skills workshop, Resume Writing, Mock Interviews, First Aid, Barista Course, RSA and Gambling courses, Community Service projects and Safe Drivers’ course), Jezzine Barracks visit, Awards Night, the Year 12 Big Day Out in Townsville, the Final Year 12 Assembly and Graduation. Yes, they are going to be busy and time management will be key for them finishing strongly. It is the expectation that students remain committed to all activities that they are involved in.
School spirit is often a topic that parents, staff and students discuss within a school community. School spirit can be recognised by the level of enthusiasm that is exerted into various sporting events, attitudes towards academic pursuits and other activities that a school offers. A positive school spirit is very important as it can establish a feeling of ‘belonging to one large family’. A positive school climate includes norms, values and expectations that support people feeling emotionally and physically safe. A positive school culture produces a climate that is positive, caring, supportive, respectful of all learners, with high expectations for all students to learn.
It can be manifested in the exhibition of school colours, the way students and staff dress, attendance at sporting carnivals and other school sanctioned activities and the level of pride that everyone has towards the school. Generally there is a feeling that we are all in this together, pitching in and going above and beyond what is normally expected. The resulting synergy can not be overestimated when we all work well together and research suggests that there is a strong correlation between a positive school spirit and academic success.
Finally, I would like to publicly thank our Senior Student Leaders and Senior students for doing a great job this year. From my viewpoint, this cohort generally not only “talked the talk", but have also “walked the talk”. This group of young men and women have done their school and families proud. I sincerely wish them all the best in their future endeavours and may they achieve all the successes they deserve. I would also like to thank the parents and caregivers for entrusting the College with their education.
Dan Kyle
Communications Part 4: The Resilience Project: Mindfulness.
Today’s presentation from The Resilience Project is all about Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is about practising a moment-to-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment – with curiosity, and without judgement.
Thousands of studies have proven benefits include reduced stress, reduced rumination, increased memory, increased cognitive function and physical health benefits through improved immunity.
View Part 4: Mindfulness of the series here:
Mindfulness can be practiced through meditation, yoga, flow-states and daily activities such as cooking.
Source: UC Berkeley, Greater Good Science, American Psychological Association
For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.
Mt. Carmel Campus - Notable Mentions
Congratulations to the following students who received Notable Mentions at Assembly on the Mt. Carmel Campus on Tuesday 9th November for Respect for College Traditions: Wears College uniforms correctly and with pride.
- Year 7 – Azariah Hunter
- Year 8 – Matilda Wilkinson
- Year 9 – Max Campbell
- Year 10 – Mea Telford
- Year 11 – Hayley Zadow
- Year 12 – Ethan Bredden
St. Mary's Campus Awards
Term 4 Week 4 - Presents Neat and Careful Work
- Prep: Bill Couper
- Year 1: Alexiis Mearns
- Year 2: Kambelle McGuire
- Year 3: Ned Webb
- Year 4: Lilly Lavery
- Year 5: Kaitlyn Venning
- Year 6: Connor King
Term 4 Week 5 - Regularly volunteers to assist in Classroom Activities
- Prep: Noah Germano
- Year 1: Emmi-belle Emerson
- Year 2: Jessica Scharf
- Year 3: Charli Gundersen
- Year 4: Bella King
- Year 5: Peggy Pickering
- Year 6: Zander Murray
Year Five News
Year Five has had a very busy start to Term 4. Bright and early last Monday, they boarded a bus with Miss Allison, Ms Wood, Mr O’Connor and Mr Webber to make their way to Gumburu Education Centre in Paluma. We left with the hopes of building our leadership skills and exploring what it takes to be an effective team.
Monday was spent taking in some new knowledge about Bush Tucker, walking the beautiful rainforest tracks and exploring the Sensory Trail. The Sensory Trail was a great experience where, in pairs, the students were asked to guide their blindfolded friend through a series of activities that relied on their use of scent, sound and touch. They had to communicate and trust each other to make their way through the path. Lots of laughs were had as the leaders claimed the giant rope their partner stepped over was an old python skin, or the water being squirted on their backs was possum pee!
After the adventures of Monday morning, all of the boys and girls set off on a bush walk to cool off at the beautiful Cloudy Creek. All of the students braved the cold water and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon where we also participated in a Dadirri Meditation led by Mr O’Connor. After a delicious dinner and desert, Monday night came to a close with a Games Night. The students participated in many Minute-To-Win-It style games and had a great time laughing and battling it out to be the winning team.
On Tuesday morning we experienced what was the highlight of the trip for many of our kids. We took part in a high ropes course at Outer Limits Adventure Centre. This took a large deal of courage for lots of the boys and girls, but they were all able to give something a go before the activity came to an end. Some climbed a 30 metre rock-climbing pole to ring a bell, some completed a full high ropes course, and others were strapped into a giant, man-powered swing where they were sent flying into the air! The day allowed all of the students to shine through their communication, their encouragement and their courage.
After an adrenaline packed morning, we set off for some more team building. At this point in the camp, the students were tethered to another person they don’t usually spend time with and were asked to talk to them about a series of questions, while they walked through the rainforest. This was a great way to build our active listening skills. Next, we were divided into two teams where we were given a team challenge. Most of the students would agree that this was the toughest part of the camp. Although it was a challenge, these activities allowed us to see our strengths and weaknesses as a team.
After reflecting on the wonderful time we had together so far, we finished Tuesday night sharing stories and jokes around the campfire. There were many sad faces as the students realised that we were packing up and heading home on Wednesday morning.
Year Five Camp was a fantastic time for all involved. There were many laughs and memories made, plenty of learning and growth occurred, and as their classroom teacher, I couldn’t be prouder of the way they represented Columba.
Back in the classrom this week, we have to reflected on the leaders we are becoming and shared what we have learnt from a fantastic experience.
A very special thank you goes to all who made this camp possible, especially Mr O’Connor and the team at Gumburu for their hospitality and care; The Outer Limits Adventure Team for keeping us safe and allowing us an outstanding day; and to Mr Webber and Ms Wood for giving up their time to be with us on this journey.
Jess Allison
Year Three News
Term 4 so far has proved to be very hectic for everyone in Year 3. There is a lot to do in such a short time. It is always busy in the 3C classroom and this term it has been exceptionally so.
The curriculum is once again packed and it is hard to imagine how we will get it all done. During our lessons in Religious Education, we have been exploring the 10 Commandments and Beatitudes and have observed how they are reflected in the Church’s teachings when showing care and concern for others.
In English, Year 3 have been exploring the techniques used when writing poetry and they are amazed at the variety of poetry that can be written. We are also powering along in our mathematical studies. We have become familiar with Google Sheets and how we can simply enter data and create a graph with the simple click of a button! There is simply no rest for us!!!
In Science, Year 3 has determined how living things and non-living things can be distinguished and grouped on the basis of observable features. We have discovered many interesting things about the animal kingdom. During H.A.S.S. lessons we are comparing some of the human and natural features of Australia to those in New Zealand.
Grandparents' Day was a big hit in our classroom. The Grandparents participated in a spelling activity with the class and then went off to enjoy a well earned and scrumptious morning tea. The Swimming Carnival was a much anticipated event in Year 3 and everybody did their best in the various events and distances. It was a great day with an abundance of spirit and enthusiasm.
Year 3 is getting ready for Year 4 and the new challenges that go with being a year older and hopefully wiser. Thank you to all that have worked so hard to ensure that everyone is able to participate fully in the wide variety of opportunities that our school provides.
Robyn Christensen & Deirdre Martell
Primary Inter House Swimming Carnival
The St Mary’s Campus enjoyed a wonderful day out at the pool for our Inter-House Swimming Carnival. Excitement and House Spirit was at an all-time high with the war cry competition to kick things off the best it has been in years. Benjamin took the first lot of chocolates thanks in no small part to many younger students that turned as red as the Rice shirts screaming for their team.
Competition then entered the pool and there were fine performances across the board, with many students stepping up to challenge themselves to swim either 25m or 50m for the first time ever. This started with Annabelle, Sophie and Charles in Prep swimming 25m and was evident in every age group with all 12 year old boys present on the day (Aaron, Connor, Jack, Nash & Zander) swimming 50m of every stroke. As always, these efforts were backed up with incredible sportsmanship from the students and plenty of raucous cheering from the parents and friends that came to support.
For the first time this year, a novelty trophy was up for grabs with games including Beach Ball Bash, Sinker Hunts, Floatie Relays and Obstacle Course Relays. These games were designed to add an element of fun to the day, especially for those students who aren’t big swimmers but who are keen to represent their house a bit more. All the games proved a big hit with the students and our Inaugural Kickboard trophy was shared between Rice and Polding.
At the end of the day, Benjamin took home the big trophy, just ahead of Rice. It was a superb day that could only happen thanks to the hard work of many staff members doing lots of work behind the scenes training students during PE lessons, nominating, preparing programs, organising equipment and of course making sure the day ran smoothly - so thank you to everyone involved.
Runner-up | Age Champion | |
9 Years Girls | Molly Sproat | Brodie Beatty |
9 Years Boys | Lane McCabe | |
10 Years Girls | Chelsea Archer & Renae Yeo | |
10 Years Boys | Daniel Brandis | Clayton Walsh |
11 Years Girls | Bella Casella | Baylee Kerr |
11 Years Boys | James Uren | Liam Bartschat |
12 Years Girls | Bridie Mitchell | Bailey McGuire |
12 Years Boys | Aaron Murray & Connor King |
Relay Trophy - Rice House
Girls Aggregate Trophy - Rice House
Boys Aggregate Trophy - Benjamin House
Overall Winners - Benjamin House
Ryan O'Connor
My New Gallery
Youth Group
The CCC Youth Group meets at the St. Columba’s Parish Meeting Room this Saturday 13th November from 5-6pm. The theme is ‘Advent/Christmas’. There will be prayer, Christmas craft making, Christmas treats and special gifts for our Year 12 students who have led sessions. Please come and join us and stay for Mass afterwards.
Residential News
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
This last fortnight has proven to be a very busy one indeed: Not only are the students working very hard to complete assessments, but their social calendar has been pretty intense as well. For instance on Saturday 30 October, students and staff from both Boys’ and Girls’ Boarding came together to celebrate the Boarders’ Biggest Birthday which involved the students engaging in the Hempenstall Oval waterslide and pool activities, followed up with a BBQ and a range of cakes to celebrate everyone’s birthdays. The evening culminated with an outdoor theatre movie.
Last weekend we hosted the Boarders’ MKR night whereby Boys’ Boarding competed against their arch rivals Girls’ Boarding. The theme this year was “Mexican” and all items on both menus were divine to the palate. I have to say the pulled pork and the Enchiladas were exceptional, as was the Fried Ice Cream Ball. This year Boys’ Boarding took home the silverware taking out the competition with the smallest of margins 120.5 to 119.5. I would like to thank all the staff and students involved for their combined fantastic efforts. It certainly was a great night filled with good cheer, singing and dancing and all will remember the night for many years to come.
Next week the College will host the annual Awards Night event (Tuesday 16 November) and Year Graduation (18 November). Both of these events are very important events on the College calendar and it will be great to catch up with as many parents as possible. Whilst on the topic of Year 12 Graduation, there will be a “Walk-in COVID vaccination clinic” on the 18 November at the Arthur Titley Centre. So, if you have not had the COVID jab as of yet, there may be an opportunity for family members to receive their vaccination on this day.
This week I will be sending out a survey that pertains to all facets of boarding to all parents and guardians. Can you please take the time to complete this survey so that the College can look to improve the quality of residential care for its students?
Dan Kyle
Meet our Residential Staff
Mrs Gayle Griffin
Boarding Houseparent
Residence: I currently work in both Boys’ and Girls’ Boarding.
School Attended: Clarence High School, Hobart, Tasmania.
Previous Work Place: Lots of different workplaces. Royal Australian Air Force, Qld Pathology, QML Pathology, Cloncurry State School, Sale College, Capella State School.
Favourite Meal: Spicy Creamy Prawns cooked with love by Mr Griffin.
Favourite Movie: Anything Star Trek or Star Wars.
Favourite Music: I love show tunes that I can sing along to.
The best piece of advice I have received: Enjoy your life; you only get one.
What do I do in my own time: I love singing, crafting and spending time with family.
What excites you about 2021 and beyond: I’m looking forward to learning more about the boarding system and enjoying my life here in Charters Towers. Being closer to family means the world to both myself and Mr Griffin and being here gives us that wonderful opportunity.
QLD Reds Visit Charters Towers
The Qld Reds are once again returning to Charters Towers as part of their “Reds to regions“ tour. This year two Reds players visiting Charters Towers
from 24-26 November.